Saturday, May 31, 2008

Michigan Fun

Well, we finally made it to Michigan. We like to go 1-2 times a year, but because of whatever reason - it has been 2 years. George & Jan had told us several months back that they would have Brad & Mari's kids during Memorial Day weekend - so we made plans to be with them that weekend. Our kids and their kids enjoy being together - so we couldn't turn down this opportunity. The kids could be together 24-7! Well, we arrived in Wixom around supper time on Friday and left before lunch on Monday. After supper, we toured their new school facilities. The Stille's church & school is right outside their back gate and across the small field -that saves a lot of gas $$$. They have a really nice home that accommodates Brad & Mari's family and Geo & Jan as well. On Saturday morning, we headed out to the Greenfield Village. It is part of the Henry Ford Museum. The Village is 90 acres. There were Model T's to ride, restored antique carousel to ride, civil war re-enactment, Thomas Edison factory to tour, Booker T Washington's house to tour, old plantation homes-one with a gal speaking on life as a slave girl, horse drawn rides, an old bus ride, steam train rides - SO many things to do. We didn't even get to do everything and we left about 6:30PM. We headed home for supper and baths and more playtime for the kids. Sunday we had S.S., morning service, ate lunch, the men & the kids played (mostly water balloons &swimming) outside all afternoon while Jan & I went to Archiver's. After church Sunday PM, we enjoy nachos and the fixin's and let the kids play past dark and then got to stay up late and watch Little House DVD's and the adults stayed up 'til at least 1:30 playing dominoes & reminiscing. Friendship were strengthened. We thank them for a great time, wonderful food & lots of laughs. Enjoy the pictures from our trip.


Ann-Marie said...

I'm glad you had such a good time. (I always think of the Stille's as principal & wife!) It's great that you are such good friends!

Juliet said...

Now I have another place I would like to visit..Greenfield Village.

Thanks for all those great pictures!

a joyful nusiance said...

I am glad you had a great time in Michigan!! It is so great to be able to get away!