Monday, April 21, 2008

It's the little things that count

It truly is the "little things" in life that count the most! Many times, I seem to get busy with the day to day things that I sometimes forget to remember the "little things". I wanted to share just a few of the "little things" in my life that make me happy (see the slideshow). I do want to give much credit to my husband for his hard work in adding on the dining room - so we can host the college students & others, for totally renovating our attic into 3 bedrooms for the kids (they have shared 1 bedroom for 3 1/2 years and now for "helping" the boys build a tree fort. I thank him for providing many of the "little things" in our lives.

Little Things

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Madison WI

Easter Weekend

It seems like I am going backwards (in time) in this blog, but I'll get this figured out soon. : ) We took the kids to Madison for 3 nights during Easter weekend. We all needed a little break away. We got a really good deal on priceline for the Radisson. While in Madison, we took the kids to the Shoe Box in Black Earth (to get Heeley's for Meg's birthday), went to the UltraZone - a laser game place, shopped at the Family Christian Sotres (to get Caleb a new Bible for Easter ), used our gift certificate to Red Lobster, ate Quaker State (a really neat place - esp. for boys), Rick & Caleb went to a gun show, took Meg to Michael's Custard for her birthday treat, and of course, we couldn't forget swimming - the kids love to swim.

Megan turns 12!

Megan turns 12! Megan celebrated her 12th birthday on March 22. It still seems like yesterday that she was born prematurely - weighing in at 2lbs. A little peanut - a miracle baby - that's what many called her during her first days, weeks & months. The Lord sure had taken care of her. Now she is tall, beautiful, blue-eyed, blonde, healthy, smart and sweet girl (I mean TWEEN). She loves going to youth group, taking drama & singing classes through CYT, spending lots of time on the computer and being with friends. Have fun being 12! We love ya, Meg!

Well here we go . . .

For quite some time now, people have asked me, "do you blog" or "why don't you blog?" I don't know, I guess I really don't have much time and alot of times I don't have much to say. Although, I do enjoy reading other people's blogs and "catching up" on friends and family members. So with much urging (especially from Megan), I will give this a try.

Megan turns 12!